Super Smart Launcher – What’s new in our latest release – Now even more features!
New in version 3.8.1: 6th April 2023
– Added radio stream fallbacks and improved performance
– News, video & weather articles now automatically update if device is slow to restore internet
– Users can now find stations playing specific artists or songs through the voice assistant
– Fixed audio notification not showing in media centre for some devices
– Fixed audio glitch experienced by some users
– Fixed an issue preventing back from the radio screen
– Various UI tweaks
Added radio stream fallbacks and improved performance – we’ve added additional features in an attempt to try and avoid stream failure connections. We’re looking at additional features that may prompt the user to remove streams which show in their most used or last played listing which are determined to be unreliable.
News, video & weather articles now automatically update if device is slow to restore internet – On some devices we noticed news articles failed to refresh where the device was still negotiating an internet connection (during switch on) so we fixed it.
Users can now find stations playing specific artists or songs through the voice assistant – We’re increasing the number of instructions that can be verbally requested . We have now added the ability to ask for any genre or any track artist that may be playing at the current time. e.g. ‘Play Brian Adams’ and a radio station will play if the name appears in the stations meta tag information.